I recently found myself standing in the razor isle at Wal-Mart starring at the price break down looking for a deal. Frankly $9.00 seemed a little steep to me. I mean is that why they sent me a free razor in the mail - to fleece me when I needed a refill?
Then I noticed the Bic Soleil which was moderately priced at five bucks and change. It seemed too good to be true so I carefully inspected the packaging. The Solei had three blades and you got the razor and three cartridges in total plus a money saving coupon inside - Sweet! I grabbed one, finished my shopping, and headed home. I was stoked to open my new goodies, yes fellas girls do get excited over this crap, and mount the new razor in my shower where it could mingle with it's peers.
And then it happened, I used it, not once but twice. The first time I used it I could tell it wasn't the smoothest of shaves. It made my skin feel raw immediately and I got giant nicks on my ankles -bleeders to boot. My legs were on fire the whole day, still in two days time I would repeat the whole process again. Why? Because I couldn't stand the thought of spending money on something I was going to have to throw away. Yes I know it was less than six bucks, but it's the principal. I was hoping it was just a bumpy first ride. Nope, it was the Soleil, I used it again with the same result as the first shave, only this time I had cuts on the backs of my knees too. By this point I felt like an idiot.
Quickly though, my shame turned to anger and that's when I took action. I went online and filled out the standard customer service survey and directly asked for a refund. I pointed out that I wasn't sure how much I spent as I didn't save my receipt but that I bought the razor at Wal-Mart. Nothing to do now but kick back and wait for my check to arrive in the mail, right? Wrong!!! Instead I received this letter.......
....and I was pissed when I read it. I'm sure this letter is standard fare in the customer service game over at Bic, but I still couldn't believe it. In exchange for completing their homework assignment they offered me ...coupons? When I directly asked for a refund. I guess I was going to have to sing for my supper.
If you haven't figured it out from the title, I dig the Lazlo Toth letters. The idea of going against a huge corporation over six bucks was starting to look like a noble pursuit and I took action. I packed up everything I still had in my possession, the razor, all the blade cartridges, the shower holder, and even the $1 off coupon. With a little inspiration from my friend I sent them off to Bic along with this response.

I really can't wait to see what I get in return..... I'll keep you posted!