I loved Michel Jackson. Not everyone can say that, but I still remember very vividly, being eight years old in fourth grade and telling everyone in school that Michael Jackson was my cousin. Of course that was true, even if that particular Michael Jackson was white, but I meant it. That was my claim to fame and I was sticking to it, no matter what.
Here on the evening of his death, I find myself mourning in the least infamous of fashions. I've endured the prattling of 'fans' wondering who will get the kids and what their copy of Bad will be worth now. Selfish. I still remember the day I got 'Thriller' on vinyl and don't think I'll be making any money from selling my copy. Tonight we played our favorite of his songs over and over again and sang along each time. I think I listened to P.Y.T. three times. Not much of a moratorium, but it was something.
I once almost wrecked a car listening to the "Off the Wall" album. I choose to remember him that way, rocking out. . . . He was an entertainer above all else, every aspect of his life kept us intrigued.... and I loved him for that reason alone.