Even before they started the shirt of the week thing there were several Venture Bros. shirts floating around my house. We have all the DVD's and even have this past season saved in the DVR. Even my wallpaper and screen savers are Venture themed. Yes we are nerds supreme, especially when it comes to the Ventures. My good friend, we'll call him Shmian (mostly because he hates that nick name) has a red beard when it grows in and is bald most of the time. He's a dead ringer for Rusty, especially the older we get (yes that is depressing). Schmian is also the type of guy who would wear a speed suit, plus he loves science! IF you're confused about what I'm talking about click on the link above and order season one on DVD - you so won't regret it. Unless you have absolutely no sense of humor what so ever, and in that case what the fuck are you doing here anyway?
My point wasn't to plug a show I happen to love, but to display my supreme nerdery for all to see. I used my DEAN! t-shirt as a template and carved my jack-o-lantern in the image of the most handsome of the Ventures (sorry Hank). Why? Because the ladies do love Dean!!

How fucking awesome is that - Dean-o-lantern FTW!
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