There's a place by my house that makes the best donuts. As a matter of fact, sister has been down in the dumps lately, so to cheer up her Friday in hopes she'll have a good weekend I stopped and got her a donut on our way to work. She buzzed me later in the morning and said, "This is the freshest most delicious pink donut I've had in a year!" Yep, they're that good, and well pink sprinkles make anything taste better!
Anyway, I noticed a while back that the face on the bakery's packaging looks eerily similar to another mug you might recognize.

Coincidence? I think not. No wonder Chevy's donuts are so good, look how happy he looks up top in his bakers hat. He's a damn sight more chipper than Fred the Baker.
Always bitching that it was time to make the donuts. Dude, national TV is hardly the outlet to complain if you're unhappy with your chosen profession.

Looking all smug with his Hitler mustache. Nice farmers tan, Fred.
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