That leaves two possibilities for the rest of you. Either A) you're not paying attention, or B) you don't care. I have no doubt that if this particular tub of Heluva Good Bodacious Onion Dip had landed in someone else's grocery cart that this hair would be half way to the large intestines by now. It doesn't matter if that's becuase it was shoveled into someone's mouth at the speed of light, or they were too busy watching their favorite hockey team skate their way to the playoffs (Go Pens!) to see it, I truly believe that I'm one of the few lucky consumers who would have noticed it. I don't say this out of conceit, rather the opposite, because I am tired of being regularly grossed out by curly body hairs in my favorite snacks. I hate it. I wish I didn't care, but do. I'm anal and have cleanliness issues. Luckily I also have a sense of humor (to a degree) and I penned this lovely little note card to the Heluva Good Cheese Company. Hopefully someone there will enjoy it too.

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