As glad as I was to see it posted I was bummed the story wasn't accompanied with Rob's usual snarky comments, but alas, beggars can't be choosers. While perusing the comments on this particular FFF I saw mention of two girls one cup. Now I had heard that phrase mentioned before but never actually witnessed it. Anytime I asked someone about it I was told, "you just have to see it." Curiosity got the best of me, I googled it, and lets just say a little of my innocence was lost forever. My advice to you, you don't have to see it, unless you want a little piece of your soul to die too**. This from the girl who once did a collage series using pictures from The Book of Infectious Diseases. Did I mention I was eating breakfast at the time?
I caught up on Questionable Content today too.... I love it so much!! Marigold is a welcome addition and i appreciate the way Angus' character is developing. I started here today... but you should read them all because when it comes to comics, Jeph rocks out with his cock out!!
Here's a sample..... I'm totally a Dora by the way...(for the good and the bad... well it's mostly a.... mess, but...)
*Sorry... couldn't get that to format right... so just take a look at the site... I laughed out loud for an hour this afternoon... even amidst 2girls1cup - thanks JJ!
Also worth mentioning is that there is a free online Buffy comic written by Joss Whedon himself on the Dark Horse website. It's only three pages but rife with inside references, if you're a fan, check it out.
The Dead Weather CD comes out on the 15th - hooray! Also, I am going to an intimate Frank Black acoustic show on the 14th. If you're in the Pittsburgh area and going, let me know, we can grab a beer beforehand. -W
** Here is an excerpt from an email i wrote to a friend after I posted this.... believe me, leave well enough alone... stay away from 2girls1cup!!!
I only saw about 45 seconds of it and here's a brief synopsis.....
(While Never Gonna Give You Up is playing)..... Two girls kiss in bad makeup and cheap clothes, one shits in a glass, they lick and eat it. The one who didn't shit in the glass throws up on it and they pour it on each other and make out.
Damn you MM.....I wanted to know the song (because that's the only funny part) so I googled it again and I lasted a few seconds more by putting my hand over the screen, but I was actually gagging..... and you know my tolerance...... I only lasted about 35 seconds total.... I don't know how long it really is.
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