Friday, January 16, 2009

Aww, Middlestix!

A blog written illegally from the chilly confines of Wendo's office that she shares with a spider plant affectionately known as 'JoAnne's Baby'.
4:11pm company time

The best Christmas present I received this year was a collection of The Middleman comic books. I read it in like, three days, and then read it again. The art is great and the story phenomenal!!!

I first heard of The Middleman on ABCfamily. They were airing the show which (I now know) is a great representation of the comic. They're done by the same people too, which is nice.

I've also been reading the Middleblog online. It's pretty entertaining and there's a song attached to each entry. I like 95% of the musical choices. I love when I have something more in common with an artist I admire than just their work. I think it makes me feel less alone in this world where I constantly feel like a misfit.

Check out the Middleverse, it's pretty awesome and Wendo approved. It would be a nice way to say thanks since they're fighting evil so you don't have to.

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