Monday, January 5, 2009

Overstepping Boundaries?

I was trying to avoid work today (everyday) so I stumbled over to see what Rob at Cockeyed was up to. It seems that Rob Cockerham, who writes that site, is looking for 1,000 evites this year. I think that's a pretty cool concept and a fun thing to participate in. Bonus: I just got an evite today.

My somewhat uptight twin sister (who is, "too busy") to read this blog is co-hosting a bitch-n-swap at her house in a couple of weeks. I sent Rob an invite. I am sure I will feel Twins wrath. I know Rob will not be coming cross country to attend, but it will be funny to see his reply to the evite ....and if Twin blows her top.

I got an answer already, that was quick:

Sorry, I'll be out of town. Thanks for the invitation!

Admittedly that wasn't much of a reply but I am still curious to see what my sister will say.
I have a feeling it will be along the lines of, "Who is cockeyed and why are you inviting them to my house?" in about as snide of a voice that you can handle.

Oh yeah, I talked to Twin aka DM today and she did not thank me for the birthday present. She did however leave me a bottle of wine I saw in her pantry about a month ago for a present. THANKS!

1 comment:

Chet Of The Undead said...


wasn't he ALSO Popeye's bi-racial son from a pervious...err...I mean PREVIOUS hookup?

It was a cartoon way ahead of it's time....seriously :P LOL