Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Meet The Record Keeper!

Sometimes good ideas come to mind at the strangest times. We were sitting around a while back discussing something nerdy I'm sure (not unlike Friday nights hour and a half long conversation about Star Trek) when I decided there's no reason there shouldn't be a super hero modeled after yours truly.

Not the 'bit by a radioactive something, sent from another planet' type, but more the 'I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more' variety. You know, the kind of cool cat that hones in on their strengths and uses them to thwart evil. Thus my superhero was born. She's a tough yet sultry no nonsense kind of chic who along with her office drones kicks evils ass (in an orderly fashion of course). Her tag-line? "Let's file this one away, boys." Say Hello to...... The Record Keeper.

Special thanks to husband for the awesome artwork!

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