I have to admit that I was skeptical about an American Eagle hosted event, but they did a fantastic job! Not only did we get free T-shirts, and the afore mentioned water bottles, but free water! I almost felt bad for the water carts inside the venue, because there was no need. There were thousands of gallons of free water available - very noble of you AE! Pittsburgh isn't even that hot of a city. I go to Austin City Limits festival in a mere 10 days (yee!) and I doubt that they'll be that hospitable with the life sustaining fluids, despite that fact that it's going to be hot as balls. I have a feeling my Irish ass is going to melt, if it doesn't spontaneously combust first.

Now that I know that Austin was spared Ike's wrath I am starting to get super excited, which is why I am posting this although it's over a month past due. I will see The Raconteurs again there as well as The Fratelli's and Mates of State. Both of whom I've seen earlier this year. If I get plan coverage in Austin I'll be twittering updates, if not, you'll just have to wait until I get home. Luckily Bob Dylan won't be at ACL. If The Raconteurs get cut off early again I may start a riot.
Side note for Tree Brains fans:I wore my Tree Brains t-shirt to NAMU, and my sister had a t-shirt on that read "leave Brittney alone!" Her shirt got a lot of comments through out the day, but mine earned the best quote of the day: " boy 1: Dude, did you see that girls shirt? boy 2: Yeah man, doesn't Josh listen to The Tree Brains?" It was fucking priceless.
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