Wednesday, September 24, 2008

racist run in

Every now and again you are forced to have polite conversation with someone in the office that you wouldn't normally converse with socially. Whenever I find myself in that position I usually try to give that person some kind of compliment. It takes the focus off me (so I don't have to share any details of my personal life) and it also gives you a place to cut the conversation short and get out of there. Usually it's an excellent strategy. Unless the person you're talking to is a total racist.
I needed to make a break for it today, so I complemented a girl in my office on her long nails. She commented that the paint was chipping (I was aware) and said that they never grew until she had kids. I made a little comment about how I was going to have short nails for quite a while when she dropped the bomb. "That's ok, that's what little Chinese people are for." Whoa! What did she mean anyway? She thought she was being funny so I made a nervous chuckle and a quick exit. How could I even attempt to respond to that, by saying 'Yeah, that and steaming rice'? Never mind that she used such a disparaging qualifier, but in my experience most nail salons (around here anyway) are owned by Vietnamese or Korean proprietors. She wasn't even being hateful towards the correct nationality. I guess her comment falls under the 'they all look the same' way of thinking. Yes - I was offended.
I've made a decision though. The next time I find myself in an uncomfortable position like that I am going to make it very clear I'm offended. Well, maybe - if I have the balls to do it. It's gotta beat the nervous giggle line of defense and if nothing else will defend against future racist run-ins. This isn't the first time I've been in this type of situation with this particular individual. She has also told me a story about how down the black guy in her neighborhood thinks she is (after all she's big enough to let her kids play with his) - it reeked of supremacist undertones.

And yes in case you were wondering, the offender is none other than the famous CM.

I leave for Austin tomorrow morning at 7:00am. I will not be getting to the airport two hours early. It's going to be awesome and I would blog while I'm gone but I don't own a laptop (I know I suck, but hopefully I will soon!) Maybe the hotel (that we got a sweet deal on) will have a public machine I can use, if not I promise to take really good notes.

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